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July 2024






 Farm & ranch entities may need to adhere to Corporate Transparency Act

Grazing sheep utilize diverse species of grasses & forbs

 SD Beef selects five finalists in “SoDak’s Best Burger” contest

Climate outlook for July reveals warmer than normal temps for most of SD


 NRCS offers emergency watershed assistance to flooded resources

Soybean farmers urged to manage for fungal diseases

 DANR launches 2024 Pesticide Container Recycling drive

SDSU Extension entomologist offers tips for managing horn flies on grazing livestock


 SD Soybean's Innovation Tour give first-hand look at checkoff investments


Farmer survey finds top reasons producers delay retirement

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 New winter wheat from SDSU program, SD Pheasant, will debut to growers this fall

Growers with flooded crops may consider forages for Plan B

 Build Your Base athletes fueled by beef head to Paris for the Summer Games

July temperatures ramp up while drought degradation rises in western SD


 Playing field of support programs & insurance not level for livestock


Blister beetle populations expected to climb in alfalfa/hay fields




 Summer forage crop options exist for flooded, hailed or prevent plant acres

Post emerge weed control in soybeans best with two modes of chemistries


 SD Soybean Yield & Quality contest seeking entries from SD growers


Considerations for battling feedlot flies in hot summer




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 Mid summer management of red sunflower seed weevil

Bovine Trichomoniasis disease discovered in SD cattle herd

 SD Beef producer contributes to national beef checkoff planning

From drought in the west to flood in the east; SD weather is always interesting




 NRCS offers technical/financial assistance to urban agriculture operations

SD Pesticide Container Recycling drive offers free disposal for pesticide jugs


 SD DANR monitors recreational water quality with random testing

Cattle producers urged to create a Secure Beef Supply plan



 See for Yourself Tour educates soy farmers on demand beyond the elevator


Nutritional value of summer grasses shifts from cool season to warm species



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 SD’s wheat farmers invest their checkoff $ in ag research at SDSU

Farmers encouraged to ramp up disease scouting in corn fields

 CBB exec explains $13.41 ROI of national beef checkoff (2019-2023)

This week’s warm, dry conditions expected to bleed into August


 Rail industry looks to decarbonizes with the aid of liquid biofuels


Management options for red sunflower seed weevil include insecticides


 SD farmers & ranchers urged to participate in Soil Health School near Huron


SD/NB Forage Field Day spotlights forage productivity and quality


 Drought challenges western SD wheat yields, while central yields are strong


Replanting soybeans for forage is an option for failed soybean fields









 Spring wheat tour reveals excellent outlook for ND/SD/MN crops

SDSU Extension plant pathology specialist outlines soybean disease outlook

 Return on Investment study reveals impact to cow/calf sector

Flash drought chances increasing for central SD as dryness increases from west


 Effects of prescribed fire illustrated at recent controlled burn demonstration pasture


Farmers & ranchers harvesting drought stressed forages urged to use nitrate quick test






Listen to stories from....

August   September

- SDSU Extension


- Dakota Farm Talk